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  3. Master your mind
billede af online kurset: Master your mind

Master your mind

Learn to control your mind, and learn to attract what you want

49,00 kr.

Det lærer du

Learn to understand the mind and its tendencies better, meaning you will understand yourself better.

Learn to get a grip on your subconscious and how to program it for success.

Learn the proven techniques used to develop mental strength.

Learn how to use creativity and imagination to manifest a better life

..... and much more

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  • Tilgængelig via mobil, tablet og computer


4 lektioner

Master your Mind (E-book)

Check list

Resource Cheat Sheet

Mind Map


Are you annoyed that you just can’t seem to get a handle on habits? 

That you don’t know why you are unhappy all the time? Ever wondered why you can’t stick to a diet or fulfill a simple goal?

These fears and failures happen to everyone.

The problem is not merely lack of information. It is lack of dedicated and disciplined application using the right information.

Nothing matters more than understanding yourself and directing your energies where they are needed most - to make you happy and fulfilled.

This fantastic guide can teach you how to overcome your fears and really rise to the heights of personal mastery over the mind.

You will learn:

  • To understand the mind and its tendencies better, meaning you will understand yourself better.
  • Get a grip on your subconscious and how to program it for success.
  • The proven techniques used to develop mental strength. 
  • To see the benefits of minimalism.
  • To discover things about the Law of Attraction that you never heard before.
  • Whether to use the Law of Attraction or Shadow Psychology to better yourself. 
  • How to use creativity and imagination to manifest a better life
  • Alternative frameworks for viewing life and contrast them with your own perspective. 
  • How and when to use affirmations for maximum effectiveness.
  • Creative wealth manifestation tricks that everybody should be doing, but few consistently apply.  
  • A list of mental resources for inspiration and further research.
  • Why most people fail so you can succeed. 
  • Why traveling is a waste of time for most people as a self development practice.
  • Observe the contrast between the Law of Attraction and Shadow Work and see why both have a place in modern society
  • Becoming better at managing your time and resources
  • Become non-reactive to events that happen “to” you. 
  • Develop concentration so you focus 100% on what you want to achieve. 
  • Why people need to be more selfish and why it's a healthy trait to have. 
  • And much more!


  • Der er ingen forudsætninger for at deltage

Din instruktør


Peter Adam Arenbrandt

Team Coach and Instructor

4 kurser

Danish instructor:

  • Team coaching
  • Individual coaching
  • Profiler for teams and individual performance
  • Companies and Organisations
  • Locating blind spots in teams
  • Stress
  • Conflicts and de-escalating
  • Defusing
  • NLP
  • Psychological First-Aid-Instructor
  • Advanced Paramedic and First-Aid-Instructor


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