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  2. Personlig udvikling
  3. Mind reset
billede af online kurset: Mind reset

Mind reset

- learn how your mind works

49,00 kr.

Det lærer du

Learn how to transform the way others see you

Learn how to become the best version of yourself so that you can achieve the most from life

Learn how the brain forms negative connections causing “pattern behavior”

Learn how to say goodbye to the old, unhappy you

..... and much more

Det får du:
  • Ubegrænset adgang

  • Tilgængelig via mobil, tablet og computer


4 lektioner

Mind Reset (e-book)

Mind map


Resource Cheat Sheet


Everyone wishes they were richer, more successful, happier, or all of the above.

That is part of the human condition.

The problem is that so few of us know how to go about making those changes and becoming the very best versions of ourselves.

With this ebook you will discover how to reset your mind so you can eliminate self-limiting beliefs and have greater clarity and focus in your professional and personal life.

Here's what you'll learn in this ebook:

  • How to recognize limiting thoughts and beliefs
  • How to transform those thoughts into positive ones using thought challenging
  • How to design the type of person you want to become and choose your life’s purpose
  • How to use the law of attraction to attract exactly what you want out of life
  • How to let go of painful memories and experiences that are shaping your reality and making you unhappy
  • How to become happier, more positive, and even LUCKIER!
  • How to transform the way others see you
  • How to say goodbye to the old, unhappy you
  • How to become the best version of yourself so that you can achieve the most from life!

You'll find out:

  • What is implicit memory, and how does it affect your self-esteem and mood every single day?
  • How the brain forms negative connections causing “pattern behavior”
  • How to break bad habits and form new positive ones
  • What is CBT and how can you use it to reprogram yourself?
  • What are the most damaging and limiting beliefs you’re holding onto right now?
  • How to increase testosterone and the way you feel about yourself by just smiling and changing your body language
  • And much, much more!


  • None

Din instruktør


Peter Adam Arenbrandt

Team Coach and Instructor

4 kurser

Danish instructor:

  • Team coaching
  • Individual coaching
  • Profiler for teams and individual performance
  • Companies and Organisations
  • Locating blind spots in teams
  • Stress
  • Conflicts and de-escalating
  • Defusing
  • NLP
  • Psychological First-Aid-Instructor
  • Advanced Paramedic and First-Aid-Instructor


Dette kursus har ingen anmeldelser endnu.

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